Sunday, 14 December 2008


I am very sentimental lately. Although i am home with my family and friends, something seems to be missing.

I am only seeking for happiness. It seems to be the hardest things to pursue at the moment.

Am i asking for too much? No, i am not.

I am very persistent and determined in getting what i want. I will not give up without putting any effort. For me, succumbing to your own fear without trying is a real coward. And i will never ever be that coward!

No doubt, the journey to happiness is patchy. I stumble, i weep and i bleed. This is not gonna bring down my spirit. When all the wounds are healed, i will set off again.

I am not wiser, braver or more courageous than you. I just purely want to pursue my happiness. It's my life that i want to live to the fullest although the price of it ie sadness, disillusion, setback will soon come along.

To all my blog readers, if you are struggling in your life no matter what it is, please keep marching and don't flag and succumb that easily. If you still have the stamina, keep running! You will find a way out. You will definitely find the happiness that you are looking for.

Let's march together!

One two, one two, one two three...


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