Tania and Me
We have known each others for 10 years! It's because of Huey Voon that brought us together! I still remember when i just got my driving license, i drove your guys around! I think our favourite place at that time was Giant. Hehe!
Do you guys still remember that we were soo obsessed with David Beckham before? We were so heart broken when he tied the knot with b****y Victoria? Do you still remember how carried away we were whenever we sing K in Red Box? Especially with Jay Chow's songs!!! Viva Jay Chow!! Do you still remember how joyful and noisy we were whenever we gathered together? I guess our high pitched voice and laughs did piss some people off! Who cares!!!
Celine and Yi Bing.
Celine and Me
Yi Bing and Me_She's the mum of two kids, is she hot?
Faith is unbelievable. It brought us back once again.
Yi Bing, thanks for counselling me when i was in the dark. My pain and grief were respited whenever i talked to you. You are like an elder, giving me support and care. Your optimistics and toughness really earn my respect! I will learn it from you!
Celine, you just like my little sister. You seem to be bubbly all the times, but you have your own vulnerability. It will only happen, if you believe.
It's your turn Swee Ho!! :)
Swee Ho and me
My friendship with Swee Ho is the shortest. I think it's only 3 years. She was my ex colleague.
She is very slim and thin. However, her toughness and will are something that make her shine. My life in the previous firm would be spiritless without her listening to all my complaints and troubles. Thank you so much Swee Ho!
You shower me with all your care when my world seemed to fall apart. You back me up for every decision i make. Thank you.
I am not the best. However, i have the best family and friends who make me believe that i can be the best. My world shines because of you. Your care, love and support makes me the best and blessed person ever.
10 years, 2o years or even 30 years. I still say the same thing.
I am blessed because of you.
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