Sunday, 3 February 2008

I am blessed because of you_Part 1

Sorry guys i should have posted this long time ago. Hehe...

I always tell you that i am blessed and it's time to show you the people who make me blessed.

Let's kick off with my family.

This is Mr Kok, the oldest folk in the family.

My dad is a very funny yet approachable father. His own sense of humour can make you laugh non stop! He is the oldest yet powerless in the family as he is the minority. He is always bullied by Mrs Kok and Miss KoK x 2 (well it includes me as well). Hehehe..

My dad is a happy go lucky person. He doesn't seem to have much trouble as his motto is 'don't worry be happy!

My mum is a good cook. She can cook beautiful chinese food. Everyone gives her thumbs up after tasting her food. Oh my god....i am drooling now!

My mum is an emotional and sensitive person. She weeps when she watches her favourite series drama. She always concern about my love relationship. To be frank, she is afraid that i will be single. Do you think it's possible? :)

My sister is a blunt and direct person. She says whatever is on her mind! Don't you dare to piss her off! She will show your her disdainful face!

She is a happy go lucky person as well. Apparently, she has inherited my dad's trait. She takes each day as it comes and is happy for what she is doing.

That's my family! These are the three persons that bring wamth, care, love and support.

In part 2, i will introduce my best friends to you!


Tania said...

hei dear! where is part 2?? cant wait!!

^ Gu Gu Fei Yong^ said...

Hey babe, just be patient!!!