Saturday, 31 October 2009

Taipei trip

Recently, i made a trip to Taipei with HV. The purpose of this trip is to catch up with friends and taste the local taiwanese food that i didn't get to try last time.

Taiwan is a cool country! Not to mention the deliciousness of the food and also the hospitability of Taiwanese.

A tip that i learned during this trip - exchange Taiwan Dollars in your home country, otherwise do it at Taiwan airport. If you miss it, you need to go to banks or the big departmental store, ie Sogo to exchange the money. Also, not every currency is exchangeable. To my astonishment, Sogo doesn't exchange British Pounds and i had to go to the national bank to sell it. What an interesting experience! At least, i have no problem exchanging money in other cities.

The trip itself didn't end up marvellously as i was sick. Yeah, too much good food and drink resulting the protest of my body.

The famous spicy steamboat - 麻辣火锅

The ingredients of the steamboat. Yum Yum!

Soya bean milk with sandwich - my breakfast in the next morning

Lunch at a tea drinking place in 故宫 - an expensive and inefficient dining place which is recommended in a travel book. I should make a complaint to the author.

The dessert - almond jelly. Taste awful!

Green bean cake - taste all right!

The dissatisfaction of our lunch was replaced by the superb experience in 热炒店

Taiwanese beer. It was a nice beer for a non beer lover like me. That's the start of my hang over and sickness in the next day.

Hot spring in 乌来

The hot spring pool

My birthday dinner in a Japanese restaurant. Thanks T and HV for that.

Having delicate French dessert in Paul

Apple and chocolate tart - It's sensationally good!

Taipei, i will see you in few years time.

Friday, 30 October 2009

For those stupid drivers on the road!

I deem myself a considerate and careful driver on the road as long as you don't get on my nerve.

There is a traffic light near my place with two lanes. The left lane is for the vehicles turning left to the main road and the right lane is for the vehicles turning right to the other side of the road. I was supposed to take the left lane straight away when the green light was on. However, there was a car ahead of me that stopped at the junction without moving. After honking for few times, i realised that the driver was supposed to take the right lane. Just because there were few cars lining up in the right lane, to save time and to jump the queue, the driver utilised the left lane. The ironic part is - the driver never showed the signal until being honked and the signal was only shown for few seconds. Well, he thought it gave me a crystal idea that ' I want to turn right'. What the f**k! What a selfish and incondesidate driver! To vent my anger, i made a long honk.

Few minutes after that incident, i was driving on the main road. There was a car at the junction, crossing the main road to another side of the road when i nearly drove pass the junction. I was freaked out completely! If i sped or the driver slowed down the car few seconds, our cars would have collided. It would have caused a hugh smash! Gosh! I wouldn't stop honking the bastard!

If you are a careful and thoughtful driver, this doesn't mean that accident won't happen. There are so many selfish and inconsiderate drivers, caring about how to shorten their journey and to pursue the climax of speeding at the expense of others.

Thursday, 29 October 2009

WU-Day 44

How are you?

You must be enjoying your trips somewhere.

There are so many questions that i want to ask you. I don't know how to start. Perhaps, i am just afraid of the answers.

It's really annoying!

What should i do to make myself feel better?

I am lost...

Feeling lost.

I wonder if i can get back on track again.

I really doubt myself...

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Taipei! Taipei!

I want to eat a lot of yummy food!

I want to be one of the hottest chick walking on the street!

I want to fish for Taiwanese guy!


Taipei, please welcome me with full arms!


Sunday, 18 October 2009




D, 你到底怎么了?

Saturday, 17 October 2009

WU-Day 32

I realise one thing.

As long as you are safe and well, it doesn't matter if you don't love me.

Please be safe.

I am very worried.

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

WU-Day 29

Haven't heard from you for a while.

Hope you are doing great.

There is no email from you still.

That's all right.

I can understand.

I really can understand.

I just need time to heal all these.

The time will come soon.

I promise.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

WU-Day 28

I checked my email.

I got no mail from you.


Monday, 12 October 2009

WU-Day 26

Do you think of me when you witnessed the spectacular Swiss Alps?

I did.

Sunday, 11 October 2009

Job please come!

I need a job and job please finds me!

Friday, 9 October 2009

WU-Day 23

Hi D, how are you doing? Are you having fun at the moment?

I am feeling frustrated, having no luck in getting a job. How i wish i would share my frustration and worries with you. You definitely would be a good listener, patiently comforting me and cheering me up. This is one of the things that i love about you. I feel so loved everytime i share with you my problems.

Do we still have the chance to be together? Whenever i think of the scenario of us walking away from each other life, my eyes always brim with tears.

I love you more than i ever thought.

I am missing you terribly at this moment.

Be well and safe.

Thursday, 8 October 2009

I am feeling blue

I am a bit frustrated in finding a job since i got back from London. Being jobless for nearly 12 months really weakens my confidence getting back on track.

If i didn't choose to be a working holiday maker, would i end up getting a highly paid job? My friends, who we used to work together, are now holding senior positions in the organizations. Well, that is the price of forsaking a decent job and chose to be a backpacker.

I won't regret for the decision i made. It moulds a tougher and stronger me - a penniless me as well :) The life experience that built up is something that can not be measured monetarily.

That's all right! Just be positive Feiyong! Nothing can bring you down!

You have to trust yourself as you are Feiyong - unbeatable superwoman!

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Please speak out if you need a pair of ear!

Today, i met up with a close friend of mine YB. She revealed that her battle with depression lately. I was so shocked after knowing that she had the tendency to commit suicide. For me, YB is such a positive and strong person. I can't perceive her involvement with depression. Evidently, the burdens on her shoulders really take its toll.

To alleviate the condition, YB has to take few doses of medicine.

This reminds me of my problem few years ago. After undergoing a broken relationship and mounting level of stress at work, i suffered from minor depression. I was agitated, violent and autistic. Luckily, the love of my family and friends walked me through the darkest and lowest point in my life.

If you have any trouble or problem, please share that with someone. Don't carry the frustration, upsetness, anger and sorrow with you. You are pushing yourself to the edge of the cliff. Share it with someone. Your problems might not be solved. At least, you are listened.

YB, get well soon.

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

WU-Day 21

I never ask for more.

I just hope that you are safe wherever you are.

Be well.

I will think of you.

Have a good trips.

WU-Day 20

'You always want something you can't just be happy...'

This is what you said.

This is what you think about me huh?

I never asked anything from you and try to give you whatever i can give.

It is so hurtful to know that this is what you think about me.

So hurtful...

Sunday, 4 October 2009

WU-Day 19

I made few wishes on the KongMing lantern.

D, i love you.
Please be safe and healthy.
Hope we can be together.
Hope we can meet soon.

It may not come true but these are truely how i am feeling now.

Mid Autumn Festivals on 03-10-09

I love Mid Autumn Festival as you get to play lanterns with candles and have a taste of yummy moon cakes.

I celebrated with this festive day with my high school friends in an isolated resort in Kota Tinggi.

Me and Ah Voon posing on the bridge

The back to nature feel

Our wooden room-Ah Voon, PL and TC

It was raining cats and dogs and we couldn't proceed with out outdoor activities

Making KongMing lantern-HV. CL, TC, PL and J

Writing wishes on the lantern, hoping that it will come true...

Our KongMing lantern waiting to be lit
We couldn't lit the lantern due to some technical problem, might as well burn it. Hopefully, our wishes will still come true.
Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

Saturday, 3 October 2009

WU-Day 17

I wasn't upset on purpose.

It's because i love and care about you too much.

Would you understand?

Friday, 2 October 2009

WU-Day 16

You are my drug.

A drug that cures my sadness, brings my happiness.

How can i live without it?