Tuesday, 7 October 2008

It's you...it's just you...

You were very quiet when I met you for the first time. My first impression was ‘Gosh, he is so tall.’ We got to speak to each other near the end of the picnic. It’s the moment when I told you I love baking and cooking, your eyes revealed your secret to me.

A mutual friend of us told me that you like me. I was stunned. I never thought that you are such an expressive person when you like someone. My first thought was ‘We are not compatible. I gave it a go still as you seem to be a nice guy. The process wasn’t that impressive with misunderstanding/miscommunication hindered us from understanding each other better. You turned things around when you told me that you are good at fishing and even are able to cook a raw fish! I was really impressed! I wanted to know you more ever since…

Things went completely wrong after the kiss. It’s not the kiss that matters. It’s you, the cheeky you, the naughty you and the mischevious you who melts the deepest and darkest side of my heart.

The inexpressive and impassive you makes me wonder if I am the only one who is entangled. Maybe, you are using your own channel in telling me you like me? If yes, I will patiently and carefully listen to that. If not…I will give it a good laugh. To laugh about my silliness and foolishness.

D, would you let me know after reading this?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You must have had a really messed up childhood to conduct yourself in this matter. Try talking communicating to people in a sensitive manner rather than airing your dirty laundry in public.