My blog is getting boring. I haven't uploaded any picture ever since my last trip to Bath. order to spice up my blog. I am gonna show you my exclusive pictures over these few years. You must be very excited now huh?
To be frank, i am getting gorgeous as times goes by. Hey! Don't throw out! I am telling you the truth!
2004 with straight hair_oh my god i looked so ugly
2005 sraight hair still_looked better

2006 curly hair_looked nicer

2006 different style of curly hair_hmm looked ok
2007 sexy curly hair_I am comptely in love with myself with this new look
2007 sexy curly hair still_in London
2007 sexy curly hair_in London
After seeing my pictures over these few years, what do you reckon? Do i look gorgeous as times goes by? I strongly reckon it!
Do i look better in straight hair or curly hair? I would say curly hair! However, some people reckon that i look better in straight hair! What do you think? Regardless of curly or straight hair, i am still the adorable, lovely, sweet and lovable feiyong. Hehe
I am gonna post the pictures of my beloved family and good friends in the next blog.
It's time to sleep! Ciao!
ps: Your comment about me is most welcome!