Wednesday, 30 April 2008

You are more bastard than a bastard!

A sunny Monday morning.

As usual, i picked up the morning paper to be read on the tube.

The headline today caught my attention.

It's about an incest happened in Austria.

A father imprisoned her own daughter for 24 years in a dungeon amd fathered seven children.

I was completely shocked.

How can a father do this to you own flesh?

You make use of the respect and trust of your daughter to you to commit such an unforgivable and sinful thing just to satisfy your own urge!

You brought endless pain, agony, rage, anguish and torment to the poor daughter and even the children born!!

You can never ever be forgiven.

I curse you!

What goes around, comes around.

You will be punished.

You will be imprisoned to the rest of your life in endless guilt and remorse.

My deepest sympathy to the daughter.

My heart weeps for you.

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