We kicked off the day by visiting Regent Park. This was my second time visiting this lovely park and the scene still charmed me a lot!
Ah...Regent Park is such a romantic place. I wish i would be here with my love one..holding hand, walking side by side and admiring the beautiful scene. What would you ask for more?? Sadly, Fei Yong is still single...okie...i got a bit carried away now....
We went to a market in Camden Town, ie The Camden Market. It's a place similar to Pasar Malam in M'sia but it is open seven days a week.
It was raining and we didn't get to explore this place much. Well...i'll definitely pay a visit again to this place.
We went to Chinatown and had our dinner and yeah..the same old place, 旺记! And we ordered three plates of shredded chicken fried rice as usual! I think this should be the most delicious dish that i ever tried in this restaurant!

Aren't we lovely? Oh...i am in love with this picture however we didn't get to save this to our mobile phone! Well...nevermind, just let this lovely picture remain in this i phone and i might catch some people attention. Hehe...Before we left O2, we did leave this picture as a wallpaper of the phone.
I ended my day with laughters and satisfaction although my job is gone! Thanks MK and CJ for accompanying me today, i know you guys wanted me to leave all the disappointment behind. It's so good that you guys are with me and share my complaints and grumbles. I think you guys still need to bear with me for a while....hehe...
Happiness and fulfillment are easy to grab if you can find your own peace of mind.
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