Wednesday, 28 November 2007


After few days of staying up till late night and the exposure to cold weather on Monday, i was sick. My throat was terribly sore! I think my body was making its complaints.

I started my day slowly! It really made my day after a video call on MSN with my dearest friend, Tania. It's sooooo good to hear her voice! Ah...i miss you guys dearly!

I met a net friend for movie. The movie we watched was Beowolf. This movie is not as good as i expected. I am not sure if it is because the company was not right or the movie itself is not spectacular enough to make me engrossed! Nonetheless, this was my first time watching movie in London and i am truely grateful to the net friend for buying me the movie! However, i don't think i am gonna meet him again as we don't seem to click.

My condition was deteriorating. My throat was unbearably sore and my head was spinning! I hope i could get well soon, i hate the weak Fei Yong!

MK, thanks for making me the chinese herbal tea. Your thoughtfulness really warmed my heart. Love ya...

On the tube to meet the net friend, an indian guy asked for my mobile phone number. Well...a piece of evidence to prove my gorgeousness and prettyness! Haha...i am a bit carried away now...

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